Screenshot of AllSys software interface for language understanding and problem-solving

Facts about AllSys

AllSys is innovative in many aspects, and opens possibilities that are inaccessible to this day.
Here are some facts to help you become aware of what Allsys is.


Fact #1

AllSys is a “Language Understander”, it is a new engine on the computing scene. AllSys is a breakthrough technology in the field of Language acquisition and understanding. The practical form of this technology is an AI software able to learn and understand human languages, and as a consequence to act accordingly ( questions answering , problem solving, machine control, etc).

Fact #2

AllSys has no pre-knowledge of a particular language, his knowledge building on his previous knowledge.

Fact #3

AllSys learns through lessons. A lesson for AllSys is a small text file, and is also close to what it is for a child. 

Fact #4

AllSys  has been tested on French, English, Spanish, German, and Italian. Like humans, Allsys can learn simultaneously two or more languages. 

Fact #5

You keep hands on what he knows , how he understands what he knows, and what he beleives is true. You can read in clear every things that have been said to him. AllSys can learn and reflect.

Fact #6

ALLSys is Local, so it does not require permanent Web connection to work.
AllSys is very light, performant enough to be suported by standard micro-processors and PCs

Fact #7

AllSys is young in many aspects, don’t expect you to be able to teach him every things you would like. However right know , many hundreds of lessons can be written for AllSys that he can understand !

Fact #8

Today AllSys comes with more than 200 lessons , covering a variety of subjects, that represent his knowledge at the time of that present release. Also, theses lessons are as many examples of how to teach to him.
These lessons are mainly in french, there is a dozen lessons in english, and a few in spanish
They cover a wide range of subjects, such as answering of common questions, understanding of conditions, how to count, translate, make deductions, execute orders, compute surfaces and volumes, send SMS, Mails, access API etc etc …

Fact #9

Our purpose is to developp, improve, and maintain this software. We have to make the conditions that allows you to teach efficiently to AllSys.
Our primary goal is not to write lessons. This is your role, teach him what you know and the way you have understood what you know . This is a new adventure!

Fact #10

For individuals AllSys is available in Freeware with renewable periodic free licence.


Vocal video demo French feb 22 2022: general & home automation