New Version Coming

ON 27-10-2021
ANNOUNCEMENT - Coming soon

We are proud to announce that an important New version of AllSys will soon be made available to you on this site.

In addition to increased reliability and robustness, the significant developments in this Version give AllSys many new skills:

Allsys now has the ability to dynamically alter his understanding while learning a new sequence. The reserved word ^ MIR allows AllSys to understand U models (UGTs) involving "mirror" classes.

New tools also allow you to globally modify a database to satisfy a new understanding:

The Rwords ^ >>> and ^ <<< make it possible to globally modify a hierarchy on the basis.

The Rword ^ REEVAL allows a class to appear wherever it could have been dichotomized in the base.

the Rword ^ UGT allows you to retrieve the list of models applicable to a class

The Rword ^ REPLACE allows you to modify one class by another in a target class

The association of ^ UGT and ^ REPLACE makes it possible to modify previously learned U models.

All of these new skills allow AllSys to develop its understanding based on new learning. In short, it allows it to evolve.

AllSys also manages U models much more efficiently, it gains in performance.

AllSys can now detect its own misunderstandings and point them out to you, it can even correct itself in some cases.

AllSys can now also detect errors in a sequence
and take this into account in certain cases.

And many other skills on the management of conditions, comparison functions, the ability to manipulate lists etc etc …

This version will come with the global lesson L-All11 having over 50 new lessons compared to L-All10. That is more than 200 lessons in total.

These new lessons demonstrate and exploit the new skills.

Although there is still work to be done mainly on verbs, many of these new lessons have allowed AllSys to understand French grammar much better, and in particular to be able to make agreements on the noun group.

Adjectives, determinants, adverbs are grammatical categories that are better and better understood. The same goes for the plural and the gender of words.

Fun fact: In the global lesson L-All10, AllSys was taught how to calculate the area of ​​a circle, but without mentioning the unit of length ie for the radius. A new lesson has been written: L-Unit which teaches him the rules for combining units of length ie to create units of area. This was enough for AllSys to correctly answer the calculation of the area of ​​a circle with the mention of unit, without having modified the calculation lesson of the area of ​​the circle.
This demonstrates the ability of AllSys to integrate new concepts.

Finally several lessons of corrections have corrected shortcomings of L-All10
when it comes to accents, spelling, hierarchies and more. L-All11 is much better at this.

Date scheduled for Release January 2021

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